Shawn Bolz: What if One Word Could Change Your Whole Life?


What if one word could change your whole life’s outcome? What if you were one decision away from taking the most powerful spiritual step of your life?

Wouldn’t you want to know what that would be? I believe that leading from the word of wisdom that Paul invites us to pursue in 1 Corinthians 12 is the key for this to take place.

Wisdom has incredible outcomes and we see that often. But in many spiritual communities and circles, the word of wisdom is undervalued, undiscussed and underutilized in the life of our leadership.

In this episode of the Supernatural Leadership podcast, Shawn Gabie interviews Shawn Bolz, best-selling author, motivational speaker, TV host, arts and entertainment influencer and podcast host as they discuss what it looks like to lead from the word of wisdom.

This conversation will for sure be an eye-opener and transform your pursuits as a supernatural leader. {eoa}


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