'Chewbacca mom' Candace Payne

Spirit-Filled Mom Who Made the World Laugh Heading to TLC


Candace Payne, aka Chewbacca Mom, will soon be the star of her own TLCme program. 

Payne’s TLC vlog will consist of two digital series. The first will be a two truths and a lie-style show in which she will post three statements and later reveal the lie in a Facebook video. The second series will allow her followers to write songs together that Payne will perform.

“Since becoming Chewbacca Mom, life has become a bit crazy,” Payne says. “I’ve gotten to do some real cool things, like be on Good Morning America and James Corden’s show and to get to meet J.J. Abrams. But it’s about to get more fun because I just joined the TLCme family, and I’m so excited to be there.” 

About six months ago, the worship leader went viral for her infectious laughter. Now, it appears the show is part of the way God is using her for His glory.

“When I was 16, I had a vision and dream from the Lord about my future about being used for His glory,” she tells a crowd at the Regional Fine Arts Festival. ” … That dream has never left my heart, nor my mind nor the way that I walk and follow Jesus.” 

She said later:

It doesn’t matter how talented, how anointed, how gifted, how passionate or how willing you are if you’re not fit to do the things that God has called you to do. And that is spiritually fit. The thing that will take you further and further in the Kingdom of God is three things: Diligence. Be diligent in the work of the Lord. Patience. Have those moments where you stop and wait upon the Lord. Don’t rush into ministry or a good opportunity because it looks shiny. Wait for the voice of God to direct you. And then the third thing, it’s the biggest thing. If I could get to my 16-year-old self, is have obedience. When He tells you move, move.

Watch the video to see her new trailer. 


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