Spiritual Warfare Tactics to Overcome Vain Imaginations


Few things can trip up the saints of God like vain imaginations. It’s no wonder the apostle Paul told the Corinthians to start “casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5).

Often the root of vain imaginations is fear. Fear can easily lead to negative thinking, daydreaming and, eventually, even anxiety and depression.

But prophetic minister Kathy DeGraw says Christians don’t have to be slaves to vain imaginations. In her latest episode on the Prophetic Spiritual Warfare podcast, DeGraw teaches believers how to take their thoughts captive and find lasting freedom from fear.

She can teach this, she says, because she used to struggle with it so much herself.tion

“I used to be the queen of vain imaginations, the enemy just attacking my mind,” she says. “I would see, all the time, car accidents. And I used to have a fear of something being wrong with my car. I would see my kids getting in an accident, or them going down that road and getting in an accident. And we’ve never gotten in an accident. And I know some of that is demonic torment, some of it is vain imaginations, false scenarios.

“But I think a lot of us who weren’t raised in Christian homes have a tendency to think the worst. We think negative. We’ve been raised in pessimism.”

But believers don’t have to live that way anymore, she says. Listen to her latest episode to learn how to overcome vain imaginations.


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