Christian Bale

Studios Working on Moses Movie Starring Christian Bale


Aiming to capitalize on the success of the History Channel’s The Bible TV miniseries, two studios are working on competing movie projects based on the biblical book of Exodus.

Best known for his role as Batman, Christian Bale is set to play Moses in Ridley Scott’s forthcoming 20th Century Fox film, Exodus, focusing on the Old Testament leader’s life, including his relationship with Pharaoh Rameses II, according to

Meanwhile, Steven Spielberg has reportedly stepped down as director of Paramount Studios’ Gods and Kings, with Oscar-winning Life of Pi Director Ang Lee expected to replace him, The Guardian reported. Gods and Kings is described as an epic biopic of Moses “in a gritty Braveheart-meets-SavingPrivateRyan style,” the British newspaper said.

“Fox and Paramount have surely noticed the ratings on History Channel’s The Bible miniseries,” observed. “There is certainly a global audience for a retelling of the Moses story with the technological advancements made since Charlton Heston played him in the 1956 Ten Commandments, a film that was one of the biggest blockbusters of its time.”


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