Miranda Kerr

Supermodel Miranda Kerr Calls Jesus Lord, Shuns Religion


Miranda Kerr, the world’s second highest-paid model, recently called herself a Christian and discussed her prayer life.

In an interview with the United Kingdom’s Telegraph published Sunday, the 31-year-old former Victoria’s Secret model was asked about her religion.

“I’m Christian,” she said. “I pray every day. I meditate every day and I do yoga. I’m not religious, I’m spiritual.”

She said praying is something her grandmother taught her while growing up in Australia.

“To pray and be grateful, have gratitude, is a big thing for me,” she added.

Kerr, who has a 3-year-old son with ex-husband Orlando Bloom, is trying to work less these days, but she remains a heavyweight in the modeling business. She’s currently the face of Swedish retailer H&M; Escada’s perfume, Joyful; Swarovski crystal and Wonderbra.

Kerr’s latest endeavor, which she calls her “passion project,” is her collection of tea china for Royal Albert.

“I’m not limited by modeling,” she said. “It’s not the be all and end all. I’m very appreciative of it, but if it stops tomorrow, that’s not the end of the world, because there’s so much more that I’m passionate about as well.”


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