Terry James: A Glimpse of Heaven and the End Times


In a recent episode of Prophecy Watchers, host Mondo Gonzalez welcomed author Terry James to discuss his latest book, “Hereafter: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine,” co-authored with Jonathan Bretner. The conversation provided intriguing insights into the concept of heaven and the afterlife, a topic many have questions about.

James, a writer known for his work on biblical prophecy, shared the inspiration behind “Hereafter.” He explained that the book’s title was inspired by a Paul Harvey advertisement for toothpaste, which humorously promised “pearly whites from here to hereafter.”

“I thought to myself, what a great title for a book,” James says. The book aims to address common misconceptions about heaven and provide a comprehensive view of what lies beyond this life.

The discussion also delved into James’ personal near-death experience. On Good Friday in 2011, James experienced a series of cardiac events that led him to an extraordinary vision of the afterlife. He described encountering a group of youthful, jubilant individuals who beckoned him to join them. “Everything started turning dark again,” James recounted, “but I was instantly back in front of that same group of young people. They were still beckoning me to come through them.” This experience profoundly impacted James, reinforcing his belief in the reality of heaven.

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James highlighted that many people have misconceptions about heaven, often imagining it as a static, monotonous place. He emphasized that, contrary to popular belief, heaven will be dynamic and vibrant. “It’s going to be dynamic beyond anything we can believe,” James stated. “We will be running a race to the throne of God.”

He also addressed questions about recognizing loved ones in heaven. According to James, the Bible suggests that we will know each other in heaven, even those we have never met on earth. “If we have the mind of Christ, we will be able to know other people as if they are family,” he said.

With all of the chaotic events taking place in the world today, and James having authored many books on prophecy, he also addressed the topic of end times, emphasizing his belief in the imminence of these events. He described current global situations as aligning with biblical prophecy, suggesting that humanity is on the brink of significant spiritual and societal upheaval.

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James asserted that the convergence of various prophetic signs indicates that the return of Christ could be imminent. “I really believe we’re at the cusp of the end times,” he said, pointing to various geopolitical and societal developments that he views as fulfilling scriptural predictions. “…We see things developing and certainly there’s going to be a tribulation period coming… Satan himself is setting the stage for the tribulation.”

As we prepare to navigate the uncertainties of the coming tribulation, it is vital to remain vigilant and spiritually prepared. The prophetic signs that the Bible discusses serve as reminders of the turbulent times ahead of us. Yet, amid these challenges, we can find solace and strength in the Holy Spirit.

Embracing the Bible and seeking God’s will can help us weather the storm and hold fast to the hope of eternal life promised in Scripture. By staying rooted in prayer and maintaining a strong connection with God, we can find the resilience needed to endure and thrive, even as the world around us changes rapidly.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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