The Secret to Loving Your Life


How do you feel about your life? Would you say you love it? Or do you just get through each day, enduring things you don’t want to do, suffering through the things that frustrate you, coveting someone else’s life? Do you believe you will finally be happy someday—when you have this or that?

I often hear people say things such as: “I’ll be happy when I have a different job.” “I’ll be happy when I’m married.” “I’ll be so glad when the weekend gets here!” “I’d be so happy if I had children.” And then after the children come—“I’ll be so happy when these kids are finally grown and out of the house!”

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It’s a mistake for us to go through life thinking we can’t be happy or content until we have something we want or our circumstances change. The truth is we’ll always find something to be unhappy about until we learn to find our contentment in the Lord.

I know about this from personal experience. I got a terrible start in life, and it made me a miserable, angry, insecure person who didn’t trust anybody. I believed if I didn’t take care of myself, nobody else would, and that caused me to be very selfish and self-centered.

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But God didn’t create us to live selfish lives, spending all our time trying to get what we want. He put a desire in us to have pleasure, but we will never really experience His blessings—peace, joy, love and every good thing He wants to give us—if we live with a “What about me?” mentality.

John 10:10 (AMP) says, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].”

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