This is How You Break Curses in Your Life


Have you ever wondered how you could possibly break the curses in your life that are holding you back?

In a powerful message, rabbi and New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Cahn spoke on what it looks like to break curses in your life.

To order Jonathan Cahn’s latest book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” visit

Cahn first points out that we see throughout Scripture how curses were mentioned, and frequently if the people of Israel would not act in obedience to the Word of God. He also warns against praying “prayers of curses” as they resemble the occult and witchcraft too much for Christians to take part in. He then answers what curses mean in regards to the Christian believer.

“The big question: Can you be affected by a curse as a believer?” Cahn asks. “Yes, you can be affected. The creation was placed under a curse. The entire world has a curse; you’re in a cursed world. If you’re in this world, you’re in a cursed world. It has sin, it has sickness, it has tears, it is has death; there’s a curse.”

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“Can there be generational curses? Some believers get too much into it and much of it’s speculation, but there can be in these senses,” he continues. “One: There can be demonic forces that focus on a people or even a line…two, there are lines of cause and effect that can go in families.”

However, Cahn believes it is important to recognize that a generational situation is different than a direct curse placed on someone by God.

“God doesn’t hold you accountable for what someone else did,” Cahn says.

So, if curses, regardless of the type, are real, then how can we break their chains over our lives?

One action Cahn says not to do is curse other people. This includes gossiping as well. Instead of following in the same pattern as the world, Cahn believes it is imperative to do this because as Christians we are meant to bless those who curse us.

“They’re cursing you because they have a curse on them. You bless them because you don’t; you have the blessing on you. So you bless…you’re a light so you shine on those whether they deserve it or not. Don’t deal in curses. Don’t deal in grudges, that’s curses. It’s a dirty thing; it’ll mess you up. It’ll curse you. You want to hold unforgiveness? It’s going to curse you,” he states.

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Cahn also says that a “curse without a cause” cannot land.

“If God has blessed you, anybody, any curse someone puts is a curse without a cause. If Messiah has taken away your sin and judgment, any curse is a curse without cause,” Cahn says.

Cahn also points out that staying within God’s will is vital for the believer.

“If you’re not in God’s will, get in God’s will and don’t worry about it,” Cahn says.

For Christians, it is key for us to remember that God uses all things for our good, for our blessing.

“Whatever you’re going through, don’t believe the curse. Don’t believe the curse…see through it because God promises that everything that happens in this world He’s going to work for your blessing, not your curse.”

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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