Top of the Week: The World Is Watching: Speculation of Sept. 24 Catastrophic Event Sends Many Into Panic

Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

Speculation of a catastrophic or world-changing event to happen on Sept. 24 has gone wild on social media, stemming from a mistake that a German legislator made in a speech earlier this month.

Fueling the spread of this online fascination are QAnon conspiracy theories, TikTok content creators and numerology-based interpretations of a specific episode of “The Simpsons” about a survivalist preparing for the end of the world.

Millions of people have posted or shared on social media this month various theories and imaginative thoughts ranging from Donald Trump coming back into power in the White House to a false flag attack or a major solar flare. Others believe there could be “10 days of darkness” resulting from massive cyber-attacks that would happen on Sept. 24, 2022.

In a shocking statement, Maverick City Music announces to fans they are cutting ties with popular Christian and gospel singer Dante Bowe. In their statement they say “Due to behavior that is inconsistent with our core values and beliefs, we have decided to put a pause on our professional relationship with Dante Bowe.”

Monday night Bowe took to his Instagram stories to announce he was going to “take time off social media to rest mentally and physically.

The FBI used a major show of force to arrest pro-life Christian Mark Houck, 48, with dozens of agents reportedly descending on his home with guns drawn as Houck’s wife and children looked on in horror.

Early Friday morning the FBI arrived at the Houck’s residence in Bucks County, PA and began pounding on the door. Despite putting his hands up and willingly cooperating, multiple agents pointed guns in Mark’s face as his family—including his seven children—were forced to watch their dad “shackled” and taken away, according to family representative Brian Middleton, who spoke with CBN’s Faithwire.

Houck’s wife Ryan-Marie described the shocking scene to LifeSiteNews, saying her husband was pleading with agents. “‘Please, I’m going to open the door, but, please, my children are in the home. I have seven babies in the house.’ But they just kept pounding and screaming.” She added that they “had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house.”

Just as he was exclaiming to all of those in attendance, “All the angels know is breakthrough!,” a soaring eagle appeared on the large matrix board in Times Square.

“You can’t make this stuff up, people!” Feucht said on Facebook. “The screens in Times Square showed this right as I was declaring!”

That was only part of the story Sunday night in the famous part of Manhattan, where hundreds gathered to hear the renowned evangelist bring Jesus to a city starving for God’s Word.

In theaters across America for two nights only on May 12 and May 19, 2022, New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Cahn—author of “The Harbinger,” “The Harbinger II—The Return,” “The Oracle,” “The Book of Mysteries” and other critically acclaimed books—partnered with Fathom Events to bring “The Harbingers of Things to Come”to movie theaters nationwide. The film topped charts as one of the top five films viewed across the nation and the third highest per screen average. The explosive motion picture welcomed almost 100,000 viewers in just two nights and grossed more than $1 million, making this motion picture an outstanding box office success.

This riveting feature film based on Jonathan Cahn’s bestselling and brilliant successes with “The Harbinger” series reveals the ancient mysteries that lie behind what is happening in America and the world today—and in the future. The film is now available via streaming or DVD.

“We are witnessing America rapidly accelerating away from God,” Cahn stated. “The messages of the harbingers are prophetic revelations and warnings for God’s people to know what’s happening, where we are going and where we are.” {eoa}


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