Truth About Halloween: Warnings from Former Occultists


In separate interviews with Charisma Media, former witch turned deliverance minister Jenny Weaver and former Satanist John Ramirez, who is now an evangelist for Christ, share their powerful testimonies of transformation and deliverance.

“As a young girl, I got into some really deep dark things,” Weaver recounts, explaining how an abusive family life led her to seek acceptance in all the wrong places. “The spirit of rejection gripped my life… I began to cut myself, wanting to kill myself, doing a lot of self-mutilation.”

Weaver describes how her search for belonging led her to witchcraft after watching “The Craft,” a film about witches. “I thought, ‘I want to do that,’ and I did. I began to dive into Wicca and witchcraft.” Her journey takes a dark turn as she becomes immersed in spells and rituals, thinking they would grant her power. “We wanted spirits to come into us… we didn’t think it was possession; we thought it was power,” she recalls.

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After years of addiction, homelessness and torment, Weaver experiences a divine rescue. “God literally delivered me in a moment,” she says, emphasizing the stark contrast between her past and her faith-filled present.

Today, Weaver warns parents about the dangers of spiritual compromise and why her family has nothing to do with Halloween.

“Halloween is steeped in demonic rituals,” she warns. “People think it’s innocent, but the origins are rooted in the worship of the dead and spirits. We can’t compromise by changing it into a Christian holiday.”

Weaver explains that the costumes and traditions are linked to ancient beliefs that invite evil spirits into the world. “My job is to train my children to know we don’t serve the devil one day and God the next,” she states firmly. “We have to have those hard conversations with our kids to educate them about the reality of spiritual warfare. As parents, we must protect our families by closing those doors and refusing to engage in practices that open them.”

For Ramirez, life in the darkness of Satanism was all he knew for years, and his powerful testimony of freedom from the devil’s grasp equips fellow believers with knowledge about the demonic holiday.

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“I tell you, it boggles my mind how you can have a one-night stand with the devil and then say you love Jesus,” he shares. Ramirez recounts his own harrowing experiences, including a “demonic wedding” on Halloween, complete with animal sacrifices and rituals led by witches and warlocks. “The founder of the Church of Satan once thanked Christian parents for allowing their children to celebrate the devil,” he states, highlighting the spiritual gravity of this holiday.

Ramirez insists that dressing children in costumes and attending church on Halloween only masks the underlying issues. “You’re still celebrating a demonic holiday,” he warns. “The devil lives in your church that day. Why would you celebrate something that opens doors to darkness?” He emphasizes that this seemingly innocent practice can have dire spiritual consequences, as children who are exposed to such celebrations may later struggle with addiction and rebellion.

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Drawing from his 25 years of experience serving the devil, Ramirez declares passionately, “You are giving your children over to the enemy.” He challenges parents to consider the implications of their actions, explaining that even a single compromise can lead to devastating spiritual repercussions. “Celebrate the harvest by bringing souls into the kingdom,” he urges, advocating for a shift in focus away from Halloween.

Both Jenny Weaver and John Ramirez found deliverance in Jesus Christ, transforming their lives from darkness to light. Their testimonies serve as powerful reminders of the spiritual dangers associated with celebrations like Halloween, which can open doors to demonic influence. As believers, it is crucial to heed their warnings, aligning with Scripture in Ephesians 5:11, which states, “And do not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness; instead, expose them.” By choosing to avoid wickedness and engage in the light of Christ, Christians can protect themselves and their families from spiritual harm.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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