Twitter Suspends Jordan Peterson Over Honest Tweet About Transgender Actor


Twitter suspended prolific clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson after he tweeted about the reality of the surgery performed on actor Ellen Page, who identifies as a transgender male and now goes by the name “Elliot.”

It was Peterson’s daughter, Mikhaila, who first shared the news of her father’s suspension.

In the tweet that got Peterson in trouble, the two-time author wrote, “Remember when pride was a sin? And Ellen Page just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician.”

Twitter alerted Peterson he had violated the platform’s “hateful conduct” code, presumably because he used Page’s birth name when the celebrity now goes by “Elliot.” He also referred to Page by her biological sex, using the pronoun “her,” while Page uses male pronouns.

Author and columnist Douglas Murray asked Twitter to provide the “permissible” terms to reference factual information about “voluntary, wholly medically unnecessary double mastectomies.”

Both Mikhaila Peterson and Murray tagged Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk in their tweets about Peterson’s suspension, as he is still in talks to purchase the social media platform.

It is worth noting Musk — who just surpassed 100 million followers on Twitter and has been quite a prolific user of the site — has not posted anything to the platform since June 21, Deseret News reported.

His abrupt silence on Twitter, which comes after tweeting roughly 21 times per day, has emerged as his $44 billion deal to purchase the site has been placed on hold. {eoa}

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