Unlocking Israel’s Mystery: Jonathan Cahn’s Urgent Message


What is the prophetic importance you should know about the nation of Israel?

In a powerful message, renowned author and speaker Jonathan Cahn unveiled profound truths about the mystery of Israel and its unparalleled role in God’s divine plan. Speaking with urgency and conviction, Cahn explored why Israel and the Jewish people have been at the center of spiritual warfare throughout history and why they remain critical to God’s purposes today.

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Cahn points to Revelation 12 as a main reference for Israel’s prophetic importance in the end times. In this part of Scripture, Israel is symbolized by a woman in labor, something Cahn points to as incredibly prophetic.

“It’s not just a woman that represents Israel,” says Cahn. “It’s a pregnant woman. A woman who gives birth. And that is the mystery of Israel.  Israel exists to give birth, to bear, to bring forth, to bring the life of God into this world.”

Cahn points out how it is through Israel that the Word of God spread to the entire world.

“Israel delivered the prophetic Revelation to the world,” Cahn says. “The Bible  came into the world through the womb of Israel. Messiah came into the world through the womb of Israel. Salvation, the new birth, the gospel was delivered to the world through Israel’s womb. The Holy Spirit was birthed into the world through the Jewish people. The church was born into the world through a Jewish womb.”

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This divine role has made Israel and the Jewish people a prime target of the enemy. All throughout Scripture we see the instances where Israel is hated by many, including by Pharaoh in the Old Testament and Herod in the New Testament. However, regardless of the struggles, God has always protected His people, guiding and leading them toward the fulfillment of the promises He already planned.

Looking to the future, Cahn emphasizes that Israel’s ultimate purpose has yet to be fulfilled. “There must be something gigantic and powerful and colossal and cosmic and amazing that we can hardly fathom that Israel will also bear forth,” he proclaims, referencing the return of the Messiah and the redemption of creation.

God is still working, still bringing forth what we will see happen in Israel and around the world as we near the return of Christ, bringing prophecy after prophecy come to pass.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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