'American Idol's' Kimberly Henderson almost made a murderous mistake.

WATCH: ‘American Idol’ Reject Says Faith Saved Her From Murderous Mistake


Abortion is not the only option, and an American Idol reject is taking a stand through social media with her own story.  

“Well this date is forever burned in my brain. It’s a day that I will remember and I remember every single detail of that day,” Kimberly Henderson posted to Facebook. “I think that is God’s way of showing me that HIS plan is and will always be greater and bigger than anything and everything I’ve ever known.” 

Henderson’s post has since gone viral, drawing support from fans and pro-lifers.  

Henderson allowed the Holy Spirit to guide her decision. 

“I felt like I was about to make a horrible, horrible decision and God was giving me signs to not do it. I woke up this morning, my daughter was sick, I had to find a sitter, I got lost, my car broke down for about 15 mins and I got here late but they still got me in. I prayed God would stop and give me a sign, give me the strength to get up and walk out of here,” she wrote.  

When the time came for her to make the final decision, Henderson found a small card left on her table at work. 

“On the back was a common verse … ‘Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10. I knew God was speaking to me.” 

But God wasn’t finished with her.  

Watch the video to see her singing over her beautiful child.


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