Deirdre Gurney

WATCH: What ‘Duck Dynasty’ Producer Really Thinks About Phil Robertson’s Biblical View of Homosexuality


Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson caused a lot of controversy last year after he made anti-homosexual remarks in GQ magazine, causing A&E to suspend him. He was reinstated less than a week later, but many haven’t forgotten about the scandal.

The show’s producers, Gurney Productions, were surprised at the uproar Robertson’s comments caused.

“I don’t think anyone expected it to be that kind of a reaction and get that much attention, so no one was prepared with what this really meant, what to say,” Duck Dynasty executive producer Deirdre Gurney said during The Hollywood Reporter Reality Roundtable this week.

Gurney said it was difficult to remain silent on the issue, but it was the network’s job to handle it.

“I wanted to be able to speak and explain, but we couldn’t,” she said. “We know our talent. I know Phil Robertson. I know his beliefs. I know how he treats a crew that has several gay people on it and people of different races and people from all different places.”

Watch the video below to see what else she said and how the other panelists reacted.


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