When Reality TV Meets The Bible


The man behind the hit reality-TV shows Survivor and The Apprentice is tackling a “profound” new reality: the Bible. 

Mark Burnett is producing a 10-hour docudrama on events of the Bible for The History Channel, the network announced. Dubbed The Bible, the show is scheduled to air in 2013 as a five-part series.

Network General Manager Nancy Dubuc said the program will be shot on location and will make use of state-of-the-art computer effects to tell stories from Genesis to Revelation, ranging from Noah’s Ark and the Exodus to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. 

“This series will bring the historical stories of the Bible to life for a new generation,” she said.

Work on the project has been underway for more than two years, Burnett said. He’ll also have some special assistance on the mammoth project: His wife of four years, Roma Downey from Touched by an Angel, is one of the executive producers. 

“We’re deeply humbled to be given this once-in-a-generation opportunity to breathe new visual life into the Bible’s profound stories,” Burnett added. 

“The Bible gives meaning and purpose to billions of people around the world and sparks the curiosity of millions more.”

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