Where Do You Put Your Focus?
You cannot keep your eyes on Holy Spirit and yourself. You cannot keep your eyes on yourself and God while expecting to be filled.
So often when we are in the presence of the Lord, He wants to minister to our hearts or speak to us. But our desire or the way we feel gets in the way of our hearing from the Lord. Without realizing it, we may magnify what we are feeling or the lack thereof when God longs to minister to our spirit, to our hearts.
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In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus appeared to the disciples and said, “Peace to you” (Luke 24:36c, NKJV). The Scriptures also say the disciples were afraid and confused. Jesus wanted to manifest, to say one thing, but the disciples were drowning in their own feelings of their own human thoughts and fears and did not realize He was speaking to them.
The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, always kind and gentle. The Spirit does not force; He leads. He does not make you do anything against your will. He tugs at you. He yearns; you yield.

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