Why Believers Must Cling to This Prophetic Declaration in This Hour


There is a glorious promise in the book of Isaiah 60 where the prophet tells us when darkness covers the earth and deep darkness the people, the glory of God will rise upon the church.

We must cling to the Lord in this hour and heed this prophetic declaration. When uncertainty surrounds us, questions abound and the world is fighting against the Lord and His purposes, we must truly understand that God has the upper hand. And we, as God’s people, will rise up in victory regardless of what it looks like around us.

We’ve seen throughout church history that the Lord loves to manifest His power and presence in some of the darkest places and in the darkest moments of human history. When pain, strife and sinfulness are at its height, it is the perfect time for the glory of God to crash in and rescue hearts.

I truly believe that the mayhem the world has experienced this past year will lead us into one of the greatest awakenings for this gospel that this world has ever seen. As darkness engrosses the people of the earth and confusion is being perpetuated rapidly, many will cry out to God and receive the hope of the gospel into their lives. It is not time to lose heart, but it is time to strengthen our faith and move forward confidently believing that nothing is impossible for God.

Not only that, but it is time to truly be confident in the reality that when this world gets darker, the kingdom shines even brighter and more gloriously.

On the latest episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo speaks to prophetic minister Sean Smith about what he feels the Lord is saying and doing in this season. It is important to pull strength and encouragement from revivals of old and see how God moved back then, so we can have a grid for how He desires to move again.

In this episode, we explore revival history as well as speak into the prophetic movement and how to navigate these times with purity and accuracy.

Connect with Michael Lombardo at lifepouredoutintl.org and on Facebook. Order his book, Immersed in His Glory here. {eoa}

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