Why God Wants to Amplify Your Voice in These Uncertain Times


George Bernard Shaw said, “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in adapting the world … therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man.”

We live in a day and age where the pressure to conform to the sway of pop culture confronts us on a daily basis. But cowering to these pressures only robs us of the voice God created us to have.

There are plenty of pop culture puppets simply repeating the rhetoric of what’s being dictated to them. But God isn’t looking for those who simply echo what the world is chanting.

Instead, He is inviting each of us to discover the voice He has put within us and to be His messengers!

When the economy shakes and the future is unknown, we are the ones who bring His perspective and His peace. We must understand the urgency of this hour to cut through all the nonsense and declare who He is regardless of what is going on around us.

It’s a simple fact: Progress doesn’t happen by those who sit back and allow the narratives of the day to be decided by those who don’t have hope as their foundation. Instead, God is amplifying your voice to be a beacon of light in the midst of uncertain times!

In our third and fourth episode of Keep it 100 with Sean & Christa Smith,, we cover this imperative topic in detail, and we conclude the episode by sharing five principles on how to harness your voice for impact.

Be sure to download, Genesis of a Voice: Not An Echo, and subscribe to our podcast! It is our desire to challenge and grow you through our fresh content each week. {eoa}


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