Duggar family

Will You #DefendTheDuggars From the Gay Lobby’s False Accusations?


The Duggar family (of TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting) has been known and recognized for their devout Christian faith. They are unashamedly pro-life and live Christ-centered lives.

However, they have recently been subjected to a malicious attack due to their uncompromising stance on marriage and abstinence. The homosexual lobby has put the Duggars in their crosshairs, publicly ridiculing Jim and Michelle for their continued “ignorance” and “fear-mongering” over their stand on biblical marriage and sexuality.  

Recently, the gay lobby launched a petition demanding TLC “put an end to the Duggars show.” With the help of the liberal media’s propaganda machine their vitriolic petition has already garnered over 150,000 signatures.

It’s time to fight back and speak up! TLC needs to hear from you and your Christian neighbors and friends. Send a message to the homosexual lobby, TLC, and the nation that 19 Kids and Counting should not be canceled just because gay activists don’t like the wholesome Christian theme of the show.

Our goal is 1 million signatures by Christmas! Taking one step at a time let’s reach 200,000 before Thanksgiving.  

Sign our petition to TLC registering your support for the show and your desire to see it remain on the air. Don’t allow the homosexual lobby and liberal media to silence one of the few remaining wholesome shows left on television.  Sign the petition. Forward this page and help spread the word! Over 95,000 people have already signed on!

Click HERE to sign the petition.


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