Are You Inviting Demonic Spirits Into Your Home?


Is there something in your life and home inviting demonic spirits? Today we allow so many ungodly things to enter our homes. Our lives are being affected by everything that is unholy, opening doors to rebellion, disobedience, promiscuity and the realm of defiant evil spirits.

Unfortunately it’s not only what we allow into our homes, but it’s also what adults are modeling in today’s Christian home. Many allow violent movies and indecent entertainment, telling small children to cover their eyes until the violent or indecent episode is over. I know couples who constantly fight over this issue. The husband wants to see the violent and explicit videos, and the wife wants no part of it.

The effects of tolerating and inviting ungodly stuff into your home may at first seem subtle, as both adults and children start demonstrating a little anger, a little pouting, a little nagging, a little impatience and annoyance, a little rebellion, a little disrespect, and a little lying and testing of the boundaries. But as time goes by, it goes from a little to a lot of episodes of self-will and emotional displays. Where children are involved, many of today’s parents are too busy and harried to deal with the attention and accountability necessary to enforce rules or keep a hand on the wheel. Tough love seems to be a thing of the past in many families of this generation.

One of the greatest outcomes of all this permissiveness is the disintegration of the Christian home. Every day I receive e-mails from spouses who read my books Satan, You Can’t Have My Marriage and Satan, You Can’t Have My Children, and the number one complaint from wives is that their husbands are having affairs or messing with pornography. The main complaint from men is that their wives are controlling and manipulative and won’t submit to even the most basic areas of respect and honor to which the Word of God so wisely instructs a wife to adhere.

Both of these areas, pornography and manipulation, are controlled by evil spirits. Spiritual cleansing and deliverance are absolutely necessary to become free from these demonic spirits that break up homes and churches. Believe it or not, too many Christians are involved in pornography, and many couples manipulate each other unaware of the lurking evil spirits behind their actions. Too many religious women refuse to submit to their husbands, bossing them around and correcting everything they do and say. This too is a root of manipulation and control. {eoa}

Iris Delgado is founder and president of Crowned With Purpose Ministries. She has a doctorate in theology and counseling and travels worldwide ministering with her husband, John. She is the author of Satan, You Can’t Have My Miracle, from which this article was excerpted.

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