Presence of God

How Brother Lawrence Helps Us Today


EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first of a five-part series “Why Leaders Should Practice the Presence of God.” Each part of the series will focus on a quote from the Brother Lawrence classic, The Practice of the Presence of God.

It’s difficult to argue, though some will, that a leader does not need the presence of the Holy Spirit to effectively lead a team.

Joy Strang gave me a copy of the 17th-century book written by Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God. I’ve had the book for less than a year and have read it and referenced it, at least every week. I believe the book is timeless because of our deep desire to experience God’s presence in our everyday life.

Just last week, it resonated with me as a book that should be required reading for every leader and student of leadership. Consider this powerful thought presented by Brother Lawrence:

“Let us think often that our only business in this life is to please God. Perhaps all besides it is but folly and vanity.”

As a leader, I suppose I’ve had my share of follies and vain moments. I quickly conclude that I need more of God’s presence in my leadership and decision making.

The problem for many leaders is that we don’t pause to think this thought, “What would God have me do in this situation?

We may gather research, seek counsel and consider the end we have in mind, but perhaps we miss the key ingredient of seeking God’s presence as a tipping point.

Decision making is a constant activity of leadership. Hour by hour and day by day, leaders make touches on the direction of an organization.

Dominoes are released to press other dominoes into action. Our decisions have outcomes, intended or otherwise.

When we seek guidance from the Holy Spirit, we submit to God’s plan for the future. The presence of God is not just a holy voice to be considered. It’s to be leaned in to. His presence creates outcomes for the good of the kingdom.

Effective leaders seek His presence in all their ways.

“Think often on God, by day, by night, in your business and even in your diversions. He is always near you and with you; leave Him not alone.”


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Today’s Scripture

“You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16:11).



Platform Tip No. 105

We just completed our second seminar about platform development for ministries. Our next event is at the end of July. I hope you can come.

The event left me drained without an ounce of energy remaining in the reserve tank.

Isn’t that the purpose of any platform? 

Give it all—really all—to every platform tool. Pour into your platform quality content and energy needed to deliver excellence.

Helping people is hard work. Talking about helping people is easy.

After you deliver YOUR message on any platform, I hope you feel as if you couldn’t possibly say another word.

Then show up tomorrow.



Do you want to learn more about developing your personal platform?

For my free eBook 7 Reasons Your Organization Suffers from Marketing Malpractice, plus 3 Things to do NOW to Prevent Further Damage, click here.




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