How Cancer and Other Obstacles Taught This Woman to Stormproof Her Life


Author and minister Carol McLeod has faced severe storms in life, including a bout with cancer, depression, multiple miscarriages, infertility and the loss of a good friend. Through these difficult times, she learned the secret to stormproofing.

The Holy Spirit prompted her to study how different characters in the Bible overcame major challenges in their lives. It all boiled down to one thing.

“When I studied the Word of God and as I watched those people whose lives had been racked by storms, the thing they had in common is that they worshipped their way through the storm,” McLeod told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of “Greenelines” on the Charisma Podcast Network. “It’s a great recipe; they all worshipped.

“Did you know Jonah worshiped the Lord in the belly of a whale? When you are in a storm, lift your hands and worship the Lord. To worship the Lord in a storm takes a deep level of faith, but that is what will help get you through even the worst of times.

“Storms have a way of refining us and defining us. We have to make sure we’re refined by them and not ruined by them. One of my sayings in life is, ‘Don’t waste your pain.'”

For more of Carol McLeod’s journey with cancer and other obstacles, listen to the podcast


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