Prophecy: ‘These Are the Days of My Remnant!’


“The part that remains of the curtains of the tent, the half curtain that remains, shall hang over the back of the tabernacle. A cubit on the one side and a cubit on the other side of that which remains in the length of the curtains of the tent shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle on this side and on that side to cover it” (Ex. 26:12-13).

The remnant that remains is a half curtain! It is the excess, leftovers or the reserve. It hung on the back and side walls of the Most Holy Place—the deepest chamber in the Tabernacle of Moses. It seemed to have no other purpose or function but to hang in God’s presence year, after year.

This remnant became saturated in the power, glory and presence of the Most High God. If this remnant could speak, it would cry out, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty!”

“All of Heaven will be carried through you! My remnant: You will usher in the Kingdom of God in the earth—all that it is!”

In Isaiah’s vision, he said, “I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple.” The seraphim cried out, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory” (Is. 6:1-3).

Remaining in the Holy of Holies with God

“Nothing else can remain in the glory. No flesh will glory in My presence,” says the Lord. “You are to be holy even as I am holy. My desire for you is that you are saturated in My power and presence and even carry My fragrance.

“This has been the Church’s destination—the Holy of Holies—for some time! Eleven curtains formed the Tabernacle, but the leftovers (the remnant) formed the twelfth piece hung in the Holy of Holies! You are the twelfth piece—My remnant—that hangs in the Most Holy Place, saturated in My power and presence. In these glory realms, there is no sin, no flesh. Everything here is holy, even the atmosphere! My desire for My people is that they are holy even as I am holy.

“This may seem like a lofty expectation to some; but what I declare in My Word is that I have made a way for you to accomplish this. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life! Jesus has made a way possible for you to live in the glory realms of God. It can be a reality in every believer now.

Calling Forth the Remnant

“I am calling forth My remnant from all four corners of the globe. They have been hanging in the Most Holy Place for many years. These have learned the secrets of waiting in My presence and being saturated with My power—of soaking in My glory.

“These are the days of My remnant. The world needs what they have. They carry the power, presence and glory of God. There are pieces of My remnant all over the world, tucked away, hidden and kept. They have been the leftovers. They have had no place—seemingly no purpose—even at times shunned by the church. They have been considered too radical and too zealous. Often misunderstood and persecuted by their brothers.

“At times, they have even been thrown into the pits, left alone and forgotten, rejected by the status quo. The Church has had no place for these. But while enduring the pits of hell, while in this prison, God has been refining them. They have been through the fire, coming out singing with the fourth man. They are set on fire with the glory of God.

Set on Fire with the Glory of God

“Remember the burning bush set ablaze with the glory but not consumed? Men are trees symbolically in Scripture. You are oaks of righteousness. You flourish like the palm tree. Israel is an olive tree. You have been grafted in. I am the Vine, you are the branches. You are My trees. My bushes. My branches!

“My desire is to set you on fire with the glory of God. I am calling forth My remnant from the four corners of the earth in this time, to be set on fire with the glory of God. You are burning bushes set on fire with the power, presence and the glory of the living God.

“Remnant! I am calling you out from different cities, countries and continents. You are speaking different languages but are being united in one spirit, having perfect fellowship and harmony. There will be a powerful anointing that falls when you meet together. Why? You all are pieces coming together as one. You’ve been tucked away, hanging in the Holy of Holies living in the glory. The power of this remnant will be your unity.

“This remnant became saturated in the power, glory and presence of the Most High God.”

Psalm 133:1-3 says, “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity. It is like precious oil upon the head, that runs down on the beard, even Aaron’s beard, and going down to the collar of his garments; as the dew of Hermon, that descends upon the mountains of Zion.”

Calling for Greater Unity in the Body

“Unity is combined with anointing. As My remnant comes together as one, My anointing multiplies. ‘As the dew of Hermon, that descends upon the mountains of Zion.’ What is Zion? It is the city of the living God. It is where I live!

“It is here that I command the blessing: life forevermore! Life—nothing but life. Mount Zion is coming down. The Tabernacle of God is now among men. Heaven and earth are merging. They are becoming as one. It’s in the Lord’s Prayer: ‘Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.’

“All of Heaven will be carried through you. My remnant, You will usher in the kingdom of God in the earth—all that it is. Heaven is coming down because you, My remnant, have paid the price and died to yourself completely. It is impossible for any flesh to be in the glory of God. Here, everything is completely consumed. There is nothing left of you. Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom. When you have nothing left to give, I give you all that I have. It is in this place, I give you all of My kingdom.

“Remnant, come forth. You are My Josephs. I have a plan and purpose for you. You have been persecuted by your brothers. You have been thrown into the very pits of hell; but it is there that I have refined you—trained you—hidden from the world. You are coming out of the fires dancing with the fourth man carrying the power and presence of the living God for this time.

Refined in the Secret Place—Refined in the Pit

“I have had you tucked away. All the while, dying to yourself—to your plans, future, goals, hopes and dreams. You have even been dying to your godly dreams so that you would know that you cannot accomplish the will of God on your own and you would stop trying. Joseph could not do it. Jesus could not do it. All the ways of man must come to an end. You cannot fulfill your God-given dreams in the natural. In My time, I will call you forth and fulfill My dreams for your life.

“You will be exalted in that day, as Joseph and Jesus were exalted to the right hand of the Father. This is your high position—second in command over all the Kingdom. I am placing the King’s ring upon your finger, His robe and His gold chain around your neck. These are all symbols of My power and authority that you have in the earth.

“The robe or ‘coat of many colors’ is symbolic of the full spectrum blessing and favor of God. You hold the keys to the storehouses of Heaven. You have all authority and power to give out grain to a starving world; but not only grain, all that I am, from all the storehouses of Heaven in unlimited supply.

“Heaven is coming down now, through you.” {eoa}

David Lebo of Tidal Wave Ministries,has a passion for awakening among the nations boldly proclaiming the word of the Lord as a voice of “one crying in the wilderness”. He ministers in freedom to release the fullness of God’s kingdom. He is author of the book: Abiding Under the Shadow.

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