Prophetic Dream: Father Wants to Comfort You Right Now


I had a very moving prophetic dream recently and was deeply ministered to by God the Father. In the dream, I walked up to a door that had “Comfort” inscribed upon it. As I opened the door, I stepped into another world or realm full of sunshine, beautiful colors, angels and celestial beings. There was a cool breeze that touched the depths of my soul. What I saw and felt was magnificent to say the least.

As I began to scan the ground, I noticed thousands of beautifully colored wrapped boxes. They looked like presents with bows on them. Out of curiosity, I walked up to grab a present and I immediately heard the voice of God say,

“I am the God of all comfort. I invented comfort. I am the author of all comfort. You must understand that the Garden of Eden was once the greatest manifestation of My comfort upon the earth, but because of the choice of humanity, I sent the ultimate and fullest expression of My comfort, My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. You must always remember that the adversary, the true enemy of humanity, is always attempting to get people to reject My comfort because he knows the power of people who choose to be comforted by their Father. When humanity refuses my comfort, they choose not to partake and experience an intricate part of My character and nature. Satan was in the garden, he was at work in the days of My Son Jesus, and he is still continuing to lie and hinder humanity from receiving My comfort.”

As God said this, my mind and heart were supernaturally enlightened, and I began to cry like a little boy. I can’t explain how deeply these words from God the Father ministered to me in the dream. It was as if what God had just told me brought great relief and understanding to fallen humanity. It felt as if I were some type of representative for many, many people.

God the Father continued to speak:

“I have given comfort as a gift to humanity to help ease the pain of life and the sorrows that come as a result of walking upon the earth. I want you to ask humanity a few questions for Me, Jeremiah. Ask them,

“Will you receive my comfort today?

“Will you choose to not harden your heart and turn away from the love and affection that only I can give you?

“Will you give me your bitterness, unforgiveness and anger?

“My comfort is like a blanket. It swallows up pain and is the best kind of medicine anyone can drink of.

“Jeremiah, the days ahead in the earth will be filled with much grief, much pain and much sorrow as humanity continues to turn on one another. Terror attacks and the shedding of innocent blood will grow exponentially in the future. Untimely deaths and the loss of loved ones will strike at the heart of many. Great wailing and sorrow will come. In the midst of the present pain, never forget the place I have prepared for you in the future. I offer an eternal dwelling place for all those who believe and trust in My Son. There will be no more pain, no more suffering and no more tears when we shall rule and reign together forever.

“But will humanity receive the gift of comfort I am offering today?

“Will humanity receive an experience of My abiding presence and love like never before?

“I extend My comfort today to all those who mourn, all those who are sad, all those who are lonely, all those who are depressed, all those who are disappointed and heartbroken, receive my free gift of comfort today, and don’t forget to look forward to when we meet face to face,” says the Father.

I woke up from the dream with tears streaming down my cheeks and the warmth of God’s presence all over my body.

May the God of all comfort minister to many hearts today through this prophetic dream. {eoa}

Jeremiah Johnson planted and serves on the eldership team at Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida. A gifted teacher, prophet and author of multiple books, Jeremiah travels and speaks extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah is also the founder and director of Maranatha School of Ministry. MSM is a full-time fivefold ministry training center that equips and sends out end-time messengers. For more information, please visit or


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