Samuel Rodriguez: Never Miss Your Blessing Again


People have often asked Pastor Samuel Rodriguez, “When will I experience breakthrough? When will I achieve God’s purpose for my life?”

If you have repeatedly pondered the same questions, Rodriguez says you can find the answer in the John 5 story of Jesus’ response to the man who was paralyzed for 38 years.

“When we depend on others more than we depend on God, perpetual paralysis will define us,” Rodriguez told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of “Greenelines” on the Charisma Podcast Network. “One of the major issues that paralyzes us is this issue of unbridled dependency on others for our integrity, our joy, our peace.

“Psalm 62 says, ‘I depend on God alone.’ God should be the primary source for your joy and your peace. When we push everything at the foot of the cross, when we really live a life that is full of the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, where we are led by the Spirit and not by the flesh as in Galatians 5:16, then that issue of dependency is dealt with.”

To hear more of what Pastor Rodriguez says about how you can destroy what paralyzes you, listen to the podcast below.


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