Arriving Sandhill Crane

Seeing With the Eyes of the Spirit


Clarity happens in that moment when we know what we should do.

We know how to push a project forward.
We know how to encourage and build up a team member. 
We know how to do exactly what needs to be done.

Confusion evaporates. Focus sharpens.

When the Holy Spirit says “Come,” we experience blinding clarity. We can only see what needs to be seen. All else is blurred in the depth of field.

When Jesus returned to Nazareth and spoke at the synagogue, the people saw Jesus in a different way.

“The eyes of all those who were in the synagogue were fixed on him” (Luke 4:20).

They saw Jesus, as if for the first time. 

We can’t have clarity if we look in the wrong direction.

Jesus brings clarity in the midst of any fog.



“Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life'” (John 8:12).


Platform Tip No. 129

I’m often asked the question, “How long will it take to build a platform?”

In determining whether I will submit my body to heart surgery, the last question I would ask the surgeon is, “How long is this going to take?”

The relevant question is, “Will I survive this adventure?”

Building a platform is not a tactic. It’s not something we do to get something.

A platform is a fundamental business or ministry strategy. It’s what we do.

We show up every day and deliver a message of hope.

And we keep doing it with no thought about how long we must do it.

Building a platform is a lifestyle.




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