Spirit-Filled Author Reveals the Secret to Living a Vibrant Life


Spirit-filled author Carol McLeod has dealt with life’s storms. She’s battled infertility issues, depression and cancer, and she has come out on the other side praising God all the way.

Having been through all of that, McLeod certainly qualifies to teach others how to live a joyful and productive life in Christ. She’s written a book called Vibrant, and she shares these concepts on her podcast, Jolt of Joy.

She says being around vibrant people is indeed a pleasure, and that their joy can be contagious.

“I’ve written my own definition of the word ‘vibrant,’ and this is what I think it means,” McLeod told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “Yes, flourishing in every season of life, but how about this one—the ability to thrive in the most adverse conditions?

“Well, that’s me,” she said. “We cannot control our circumstances. We can’t control people. My goodness, we can’t even control the weather. But what we can control is our response. And we can respond in a fruitful, joyful, hopeful way, no matter what’s going on in Washington, D.C., in New York City or anywhere else on the planet … “

“I’ve traveled around the world talking about joy and the power of joy,” she said. “Sometimes I’ll have women say to me, ‘Carol, I don’t get it. I don’t understand what you’re talking about.’ This is what I say to them: ‘OK, if you don’t understand joy, then just be thankful, because gratitude and joy are not so very far apart. If you can change your perspective in life and be grateful for the things in your life that you have been given. Joy is a byproduct of gratitude.’

“One thing you can do, what I do, is to build some disciplines in your life,” McLeod said. “One of my disciplines is that every single night, I write down in my journal that’s beside my bed three things I’ve been grateful for that day. It turns my heart away from worry and pain and disappointment to a place of gratitude. I believe that gratitude moves the hand of God; I believe that when we look into heaven, we need to say, ‘God, I’m so grateful.'”

For more about how to life a vibrant life, listen to the rest of this podcast. And tune into Jolt of Joy on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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