Spirit-Filled Preacher: To Save America’s Soul, We Must Stop Watering Down This Truth


If the soul of America is to be saved—and it’s teetering on the edge right now—Spirit-filled Pastor Shane Idleman says pastors must shun the fear of man and stop watering down the gospel of Christ when preaching.

The lead pastor at Westside Christian Fellowship in Leona Valley, California, and a regular contributor to Charisma News and CharismaMag.com, Idleman also says that parents must recapture their homes for Jesus and shut the door to the evil culture we have allowed to enter our homes and affect our kids.

Jesus, he says, must come first in everything.

“My heart is for the pulpits of America to be aflame with righteousness once again,” Idleman told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “We must preach God’s truth, but in a spirit of love and brokenness. The greatest need in the pulpit today is for pastors to be filled with the Spirit of God. That’s the only way you can truly balance truth and love.”

Idleman, who himself has five children all under age 14, says parents must also own a huge responsibility if our country is to enjoy a better future.

“As parents, you have to fight for it because the enemy is coming against you,” Idleman says. “For example, a lot of parents need to look at what they’re allowing into their homes, especially through things like Netflix. They allow their children to see movies about witches and witchcraft and the occult, with nudity. We’re just hurting our family spiritually by allowing that into our homes. We need to make it our goal to train up our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.”

For more about Shane Idleman’s ministry, listen to this podcast. {eoa}


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