What the Spiritual Gift of Faith Can Do for Your Impossible Situation


When life becomes a daily struggle and the world doesn’t make sense anymore, believers have a natural tendency to question God and His sovereignty. Pastor and author Bob Sawvelle says God is OK with that, but He doesn’t want His children to stay stuck in that mindset.

“I think of how many times we’re desperate. Whether it’s a family member, someone’s got a diagnosis or financial situation, whatever the case may be,” Sawvelle told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “And we’re like, ‘Lord, we know You can do anything, of course.’ We know that He’s all powerful, all knowing and ever present. It’s just that sometimes we’re just not sure if He will do anything for our situation.

“Jesus says in Mark 9:23, ‘If you can believe; all things are possible to him who believes.’ And we’re like, ‘Lord, I believe, but help my unbelief.’

“All of us have been there at some point. I think the Lord would have us know that it’s OK to ask when you’re in a crisis, ‘Lord, I’m struggling right now. Help me believe. Help me to have greater faith in this situation. Show me how to pray in this situation. Show me what passages of Scripture I can stand on or rely on. Show me how I can better posture myself to come in line with what you’re doing.’

“And then along with that, another key piece is to be patient and stay full of hope. Hebrews 6:12 says that through faith and patience, we inherit the promises

“So, I think there is this place of patience and undergirding our faith, so we just need to be confident that God hears us and He knows what we’re going through. Trust the timing. It may not happen exactly like or when we hope for, but stand steadfast and trust Him. Keep your eyes on Him and know that He is always ready to move on your behalf.”

For more of Bob Sawvelle’s message on the sovereignty of God, listen to the entire podcast. And listen to Bob Sawvelle’s podcast, Empowered for Purpose, on the Charisma Podcast Network.


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