When High Goes Low
Jesus was the greatest leader who ever walked the earth, and His disciples became great leaders by following His example.
The disciples learned Jesus’ language as they walked with Him and talked with Him. They gleaned from His words of comfort and His words of rebuke.
They learned by watching as much as by listening. In the end they saw Him walk alone down the Via Dolorosa, the “way of sorrows,” without complaint.
Jesus loved and served consistently, even when walking a difficult path. As His followers we are called to do the same.
We may have positional authority, but we can’t be averse to grabbing a towel and wash basin. We must be willing to get our hands dirty.
Loving leaders know servanthood is not top down and function best in organizations where authority and responsibility flow horizontally. Service to one another is horizontal.
After a couple of long days of ministry, the disciples were worn slick. They had been so busy they hadn’t even had a chance to eat. Jesus responded as a servant leader would. He told them, “Come away by yourselves to a remote place and rest a while” (Mark 6:31).
Such a response can come only from the heart of a servant.
Leaders are never lonely when they serve with the compassion of Christ in their hearts.