13-Year-Old Boy With Promising Future in Ministry Killed in Robbery


Matthiew Stavkovy — a 13-year-old boy known for his dedication to his faith — was memorizing Revelation 21 when his life was tragically taken in a robbery of a camera.

Prosecutors said Matthiew was killed July 16, when he and his 15-year-old sister and an underage friend went to Turnkey Park in Kent, Washington, to sell a camera and its accompanying equipment, according to the Kent Reporter. The sale was arranged through the online marketplace OfferUP.

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Over the weekend, a memorial service was held at Way to Salvation Church to remember Matthiew’s life.

“On July 16, 2024, at the age of 13, Matthiew’s heart stopped beating after a tragic event took place at a park where someone decided to put a bullet through his back,” said Michael Stavkovy, Matthiew’s 18-year-old brother, who later added, “Everything he did, he did to the best of his ability. From serving God, to his schoolwork, playing sports and everything else in between.”

The elder Stavkovy son said Matthiew was “very involved in church and making sure his life was solely devoted to living for the glory of God,” telling those attending the service that his brother’s too-short life “reflected the bright light that Jesus Christ is.”

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“Matthiew was a young preacher of the Good News of Jesus Christ,” he said with tears in his eyes. “He loved to sing with his family. He also sang in the kids’ choir and was eagerly waiting until he could start singing in youth choir this fall. Matthiew played many instruments, starting with piano, guitar and trumpet with his band at church. He also memorized chapters in the Bible and would say it at church.”

Michael Stavkovy said Matthiew was in the midst of memorizing Revelation 21 when he was fatally shot. The passage in the final book of the Bible addresses a new heaven and earth.

“Right before he passed to be with the Lord, he was memorizing Revelation Chapter 21 and was planning to say it in church,” Michael Stavkovy said. “Matthiew is now in heaven not only reading about all the wonders of heaven, but seeing it with his own eyes.”

Matthiew was baptized at just 6 years old and was faithful in his pursuit of his faith, according to his brother.

To read the full story, visit our content partners at Faithwire.com.

Reprinted with permission from Faithwire.com. Copyright © 2024 The Christian Broadcasting Network Inc. All rights reserved.

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