3 Prophetic Dates That Will Change America


Is there something more to three particular dates than what meets the eye?

In a message by Mike Thompson, he explains why three dates related to the 2024 election are not only culturally and politically important, but why they have a greater spiritual significance as well.

“The very first one is already passed, but that is Nov. 5, 2024; that is election day,” Thompson says. “On that day, something broke, and that’s the spiritual, that’s the prophetic significance of it…it was a time of breakthrough when there was a breaking of the ruling political spirit of Jezebel, Antichrist, idolatry and it’s hold over America.”

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Thompson believes there was a blanket of darkness that was broken off of America on this day. He also believes that Jan. 6 was another key date for America, which is when the election was certified.

“That confirmation is important because that’s what brings about prophetically the agreement between heaven and earth,” says Thompson. “The agreement between God and man, the government.”

Lastly, Thompson believes Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, will also have a heavenly significance to it as well.

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“At that point, there’s a release of the anointing,” says Thompson. “The anointing of God that comes upon [Trump] and a release of what was broken on Nov. 5, confirmed on Jan. 6 and now released on Jan. 20.”

“They are the dates that align with the way that God is going to release everything that He has for us in this nation,” he continues. “It’ll be felt all around the world. There’s going to be radical prosperity, radical evangelism, just so much more that is being released into our nation.”

With just a few days until the inauguration of Donald Trump, continue to lift up him up in prayers for protection, wisdom and direction as he leads the country once again.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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