3 Things Christians Must Know About the Election


With millions of people standing in line today to vote, there’s a few things Christians in particular need to understand about why voting is something we cannot shy away from.

In a recent message, Vlad Savchuk boldly discussed three reasons why Christians must get involved in politics in order to be the salt of the earth.

1. Just as salt slows down the decay of food, we are called to halt the moral decay of our society.

“He doesn’t call us sugar,” says Savchuk. “We are sweet, we are supposed to have the fruit of the Spirit, but the nature of who we are to this world is not sugar. Sugar actually brings sometimes a decay to your teeth, and it’s not good for your health. But salt has the ability to slow down a decay of something that is rotten.”

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Right now, we see our society decaying at all-time high. Indoctrination and the mutilation of children has become the norm, the LGBTQ agenda has infiltrated every part of our culture, the sanctity of marriage and the family unit has disintegrated, human trafficking and drug use continues to cause issues across the nation and the altar of abortion has taken over the nation. It is the job of the Christian to vote for the policies that will most closely align with the biblical prescription to these issues.

2. The church was never intended to be the salt and light to itself.

“Salt does no good if left in the salt shaker,” Savchuk says. “Nobody buys salt to keep it in the salt shaker. It cannot flavor your food if it stays in the salt shaker…Jesus said you are the light, the salt of the earth. He did not say you’re the salt of the church.”

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Savchuk points out that we are called to be a light across every space of society, spreading the hope of the gospel to all creation.

“Joseph influenced Pharaoh. Daniel influenced Babylonian kings. Esther influenced legislation to prevent genocide,” says Savchuk. “Slavery was abolished and the Civil Rights Movement happened because Christians like William Wilberforce and Martin Luther King Jr. engaged in the culture.”

3. Just as salt is ineffective when it loses its flavor, so too can our effectiveness on society disappear when we do not stand up for righteousness.

In a world where Christians have become terrified to vote or voice their opinion, we are showing conformity to the world’s standards, bowing to fear instead of fighting against the darkness.

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“You look like salt, you profess to be salt, but when you open your mouth and you reveal where your values lie, they contradict with the kingdom, but they are in line with the culture,” warns Savchuk.

Knowing the truth but not actively speaking the truth or acting it out is also a sign of being like salt that is no longer salty.

“We have to be courageous,” Savchuk says. “This does not mean we are arrogant, but we are confident, and we are not afraid.”

This is the moment for Christians to stand up for what is right, unashamed of what the world may think or say about us. If we are the salt and light of the world, then we must steward this responsibility well.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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