5 Shocking Stories of 2024 that Left Us Speechless
With 2024 coming to a close, we’ve seen a variety of things happen over the past year. From demonic Superbowl scenarios, to a prophetic eclipse that passed over the United States, to the two assassination attempts on Donald Trump and his reelection, 2024 has left us with lots of surprises. Below are five of the stories that left us speechless.
1. ‘Massive Altar’ for Red Heifer Sacrifice Constructed In Israel
Back in March, Charisma reported on the construction of a “massive altar” made for a red heifer sacrifice to take place. As we continue to see the preparations being made for the prophetic sacrifice that ultimately will lead us into the building of the Third Temple, the significance of the red heifer has had people both inside and outside of Christianity talking about what this will mean for the Jewish people and the Middle East.
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2. Taylor Swift’s Latest Blasphemous, Anti-Holy Spirit Album
Taylor Swift may be the biggest pop star in the world, but she certainly made her thoughts about Christianity known this year when she released her latest album “The Tortured Poets Department” which used biblical themes to promote blasphemous lyrics with explicit content. Continue to lift up the star in prayer, that she may come to know the truth of the gospel.
3. Steven Lawson Dismissed From Dallas Church Following an ‘Inappropriate Relationship’
Former pastor of Trinity Bible Church of Dallas, Steven Lawson, was dismissed from his position earlier this year when it was discovered and announced by church elders that he had an inappropriate relationship with a woman. Charisma further reported that the relationship between the two lasted for five years before the news went public.
4. Dr. Tony Evans Relinquishes Duties Due to Personal Sin
Another story which shocked the Christian community came this summer when Dr. Tony Evans of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship made the decision to step away from his duties as pastor for a a “healing and restoration process established by the elders.” While the manner in which Evans “fell short” has not been disclosed to the public, his move out of this position was quite unexpected.
5. The Day of the Prophetic Red Heifer is Almost Here
2024 continued to be a year of prophetic importance regarding the coming red heifer sacrifice. As Charisma reported, the biblical requirements of finding heifers that meet the ritual standards is no easy task. However, red heifers from Texas were flown to Israel that do measure up to the mark. The ashes for the red heifers symbolizing purity out of the shadow of death, something with great importance to both Christians and Jews.
As we reflect on the prophetic, cultural and ministry-related topics that caught the attention of many in 2024, we can also take the time to ponder on what the Lord just may have in store for us in 2025.
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.