A Stark Warning Has Been Issued to the American Church


It should be no surprise to any Christian in America that we are deep into a culture war over the removal of all things God from the nation, including the church.

At the premiere of the new film by conservative commentator turned thorn in every left-wing activist’s flesh Matt Walsh, “Am I a Racist?”, psychologist and voice of reason Jordan Peterson leveled a clear warning for the faithful in America.

Speaking to The Christian Post, Peterson warned of the “woke” agenda infiltrating the pulpit and taking people down the Marxist path. This is a godless path that will ultimately lead to destruction.

This newer brand of church in America, whether called woke or “progressive” churches, all represent the same thing: apostasy.

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Peterson says that there is a battle over the church which many in other Western countries have already succumbed to.

“We should be concerned by the capture of the Protestant churches by the woke rainbow mob,” he told TCP. “In Canada and Great Britain, most of the mainstream Protestant churches are covered with rainbow flags. When the Christians start worshiping hedonistic pride, something has gone dreadfully wrong.”

It is no wonder that God resists the proud (James 4:6), because He is a jealous God (Exod. 34:14) and these radical, left-wing ideologies which have seduced the church are all about one thing: one’s self.

Such narcissism runs completely opposite the humility Christians are to show as followers of Jesus, and elevates a person’s place to where God should be held.

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“There’s no shortage of bad actors as well in the Christian community of the sort that the atheists tend to object to,” Peterson continues. “The fundamental problem with religious enterprise is that it can be captured by the psychopathic narcissists, and that’s what you see in the Gospel story. Christ is persecuted most intensely by the Pharisees, the scribes and the lawyers … the Pharisees are religious hypocrites who use religion for their own self-aggrandizement. That’s a real danger in the religious enterprise, and especially the more Evangelical forms of Christianity have been prone to being overrun by self-serving charlatans. That’s a problem.”

Recently, ministry leader and author John Bevere held a podcast discussing one of Jesus’ most important warnings for the end times: the deceptive practices of false teachers.

In fact, the topic of false teachers is so important, Bevere says, that many of the New Testament authors warned Christians of them.

“Jesus is not the only one that warns about false teachers,” Bevere explains. “Every writer in the New Testament…except James. Now James warns about deception, but he doesn’t warn about false teachers. Every single writer…every one of them, warned about false teachers.”

Mirroring the words of Jesus in Matthew 10:16, Peterson warns that Christians must use wisdom, and no small amount of shrewdness, when dealing with false teachers and those who preach opposite of what the Word of God says.

“You have to pay attention to the fact that not everybody who says ‘Lord, Lord’ is going to enter the kingdom of heaven,” Peterson says.

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One of the primary tools for spreading deception, especially within Christian circles and those seeking answers to life’s great questions, is through social media, according to Peterson.

“What we’re seeing is that bad actors are garnering a tremendous amount of attention online and fostering political polarization,” Peterson explains. “This isn’t a new phenomenon. This happens to cultures quite frequently, when the psychopathic manipulators get the upper hand, and that’s when you have extremely damaging revolutions. But it isn’t because people are actually polarized. It’s because the bad actors have crawled out from beneath their rocks and are having free reign. Some of that is a technological problem because we don’t know how to regulate social behavior on social media platforms … you can say whatever you want, and you’re not held responsible for it.”

Peterson, along with many other leading Christian voices such as Mario Murillo and Jack Hibbs, continues to press home the need for Christians today to be strong in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, firmly planted in the Word of God and empowered with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Without the spiritual weapons and armor Paul describes in Ephesians 6:10-20, we leave ourselves vulnerable to the schemes of the enemy who roams the earth looking for those he can devour.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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