AI and the Health Industry: Are These Terrifying New Changes on the Way?
Is artificial intelligence about to take the next step in the health industry?
According the Medical Xpress, the process of drawing blood just may be on the verge of forever being changed. At Northwestern, experiments of using robots to draw blood are close to taking hold. This is also supposed to help with a phlebotomist shortage.
Scary? I think so.
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Bob Gerberich, the chief commercial officer of Vitestro who is creating these devices, says this new medical advancement is supposed to: “…ensure high accuracy and high reliability, and with such precision it reduces any pain and discomfort associated from a normal blood draw.”
Somehow having your blood drawn by a robot doesn’t exactly seem soothing. So, how does this experience work? Medical Xpress says:
The patient sits in a chair by the five-foot-tall Aletta device, and places an arm on a sloped armrest that’s part of the device. The patient then presses a start button, and a tourniquet tightens around the patient’s arm, above the elbow, to make the blood draw easier.
The Aletta then uses infrared light to locate the veins. The device sprays the patient’s arm with alcohol to clean it, and an AI-driven doppler ultrasound probe on a robotic arm helps select a vein and determine needle placement. The Aletta then inserts the needle into the vein and collects blood into tubes.
This latest AI development truly is a sign of the times. As technology continues to move further along, we are also seeing it affect our lives in some of the strangest ways possible.
Is the development of AI in healthcare a sign of progress, or could it be laying the groundwork for a future where humanity’s dependence on technology becomes inescapable?
While it may seem like a distant concern, the rapid pace of AI development challenges us to consider what it means for our spiritual readiness in these last days. As we marvel at these incredible innovations, let’s also remain grounded in our faith, discerning the times and seeking the Lord’s wisdom for navigating this increasingly tech-driven world.
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.