Alan DiDio Exposes End-Times Events You Need to Know


In the latest episode of Encounter Today, host Alan DiDio dives deep into the signs of the last days, bringing in compelling guests to discuss biblical prophecy, current global events and the urgency of Christ’s return.

From the controversial statements of Yuval Noah Harari at the World Economic Forum to Germany’s crackdown on free speech, this episode explores how today’s headlines align with Scripture. The conversation touches on the growing spiritual hunger in younger generations, the revival of the doctrine of imminence and the increasing battle between faith and censorship in the modern world.

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This episode isn’t just about identifying the problems—it’s about equipping believers to stand firm, prepare their hearts and engage with the spirit of Maranatha in anticipation of Christ’s return. Whether you’re curious about end-time prophecy, concerned about cultural shifts or simply seeking encouragement in your faith, this is a conversation that will challenge and inspire you. Don’t miss out—watch now and join the discussion!

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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