Amanda Grace, Christian Leaders Host Prayer Night for Trump Family


Recently, Amanda Grace hosted Christian leaders including Perry Stone, Donné Clement Petruska, Jonathan Cahn, Clay Clark and others to join Eric and Lara Trump in prayer for the nation.

“We’re doing everything we can as a family. We’ve had to fight an unbelievably powerful machine. They’ve thrown everything at us over the last 10 years, and we put our heart and soul into it. I really believe this country is going to vote the right way, and I really feel that we’re going to save this nation because there’s not much in between good and evil in this one,” Eric Trump tells Amanda Grace.

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Trump points out that there is an attack in our nation right now against family values and the freedom of religion.

“There is a war in this country where they are trying to strip God out of our lives,” says Trump. “They’re trying to take God out of our schools, they’re trying to take God out of our homes, they’re trying to divide the family unit in this country, they’re trying to remove spirituality from society.”

To order Troy Anderson’s new book, “The Trump Code,” visit

Grace also had on Perry Stone, who pointed out that many of the reasons why we see Christians not voting according to what the Word of God says is because of a lack of knowledge and understanding of what is in the Bible. He also says this is one of the reasons we don’t see Christians sharing the gospel with the world around them.

“This is one reason why you don’t see too many Christians at large witnessing to their workers or other people because they’re afraid they’re going to ask them a question they can’t answer,” says Stone.

“It’s time for Christians to make up their mind and say, ‘You know what? I can’t sit this one out,” he continues.

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Clay Clark also points out Hebrews 11 as a call for Christians to do two things: Have faith and take action. It is this kind of faith that we’ve seen grow and take shape in the prophetic movement, especially as we see prophecies from years ago come to pass.

Donné Clement Petruska, the daughter of the late prophet Kim Clement, spoke on the amazement she’s had this year as she’s seen so many of her father’s prophecies come to pass.

“We didn’t realize the level of accuracy that came from my dad, and that was all God,” Petruska says. “My dad was obedient. He did what God told him to do, but he wasn’t planning anything – God was. And it’s really encouraged so many people to know that God shared a lot of this with us beforehand that Trump would be a trumpet, that he would build the walls of protection around this nation…”

Prophetic voice and New York Times best-selling author, Jonathan Cahn also gave a warning that Christians need to take into consideration how this year’s election will affect the future of the church.

To order Jonathan Cahn’s #1 best-selling book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” visit

“It is such a crucial time to be praying. It is critical; the election ahead is going to determine much of the future of our nation, the course politically, governmentally, will affect culture, will affect the church,” says Cahn.

With only a few days until the election, Christians must be praying for America’s future.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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