Blasphemy 101? This Deceptive College Class Is Rewriting the Bible


Sometimes you read something and have to double-check that it’s not satire. The University of Richmond in Virginia is now offering a class called the “Queer Bible.”

Yes, you read that right.

According to the course description, it “brings together queer theory, sexuality and the Bible in order to explore what it means to ‘queer’ the Bible and biblical interpretations.”

This is not a joke. It’s an actual college-level course being offered at a university in the United States.

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As reported by Campus Reform, the course readings “include both biblical texts and queer and trans scholarship on the Bible.” Students will tackle topics such as “queer hermeneutics, queer time, queer affect and queer pleasure in the Bible.”

The class is led by Professor Rhiannon Graybill, who serves on the Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies Advisory Board. Graybill also authored “Are We Not Men?: Unstable Masculinity in the Hebrew Prophets,” a book that claims “prophetic masculinity is queer masculinity.”

And Richmond isn’t alone. Wellesley College has its own “Queer Bible” course, and the University of Central Florida is hosting a “Queer Christian Fellowship” with weekly “discussion groups around the topic ‘Queer Interpretation of Scripture.’”

It’s hard to believe we’ve reached a point in our culture where people feel the need to reinvent the Bible in their own image. But this is exactly what the Bible warns about.

In these last days, we’re witnessing apostasy unfold before our eyes—people twisting the Word of God to fit their own desires rather than surrendering to what it actually says. Instead of wrapping our worldview around the Bible, we’re wrapping the Bible up in our worldview.

Let’s be clear: there is nothing “queer” about the Bible. The Word of God is not confusing or unclear about how the Lord feels regarding the perversion of His created order. Romans 1 lays it out plainly.

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This isn’t about hatred or bigotry—this is about truth.

God’s design for humanity is not up for debate in a college classroom, and certainly not something to be reimagined through the lens of modern sexual confusion.

The more the world tries to reshape Scripture to suit its own brokenness, the more we see the signs that the time is drawing near. Jesus Himself said that in the end times, deception would abound.

We are living in those days. And now more than ever, believers must stand on the truth of God’s unchanging Word—unapologetically and without compromise.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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