California Fires: Revival Will Come Out of the Ashes


As we continue to witness devastating fires continue to rampage through the Los Angeles area, hope may seem lost for many. However, even when things look to be at the very worst, we can be sure that God is still up to something good.

In a recent interview with Charisma Media, Apostle Kathryn Krick shared powerful revelations about the spiritual significance of the devastating fires in Los Angeles and what God is saying to His church about the year 2025. Speaking from Los Angeles, where she witnessed the fires firsthand, Krick emphasized that these natural disasters carry a deeper, spiritual message of warning, repentance and preparation for revival.

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“God is good and faithful, no matter the circumstances, no matter what’s going on,” Krick shares. “God’s ways are not ours; they are actually higher than ours. And so, He has eternity in mind when most of the time we don’t. He has in mind the salvation of billions of souls, when as much as we’re thinking about salvation and wanting people to be saved, there’s no way we can have that same heart as God.”

It is this necessity to see things from God’s point of view instead of our own that is critical for our day and age. Krick says during one of her services at Five-Fold Church that most hands were raised when she asked how many people had to hit rock bottom before fully coming to Christ. It is this need to repent and cease our striving that must happen first in order for us to experience God’s power working in and through our lives.

Just as we need to repent in order to experience revival, the fires are a prophetic symbol of this necessary repentance. Krick believes we should take these fires as a sign to repent and place the Lord first in our lives, turning away from wickedness and sin. From this turning away from darkness and toward light, true reformation can take place. Not only are we in a time to turn toward the Lord, but Krick prophetically declares that 2025 will be the year of acceptance, a time for God’s revival to gain broader acceptance, and the moment for people to accept Him fully in their lives.

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This acceptance goes even further, with Krick emphasizing that 2025 is a season of jubilee for believers who have remained faithful through trials.

“There will be exceptional favor for those believers who are fully surrendered to God,” she says. “It’s the year of jubilee.”

With the fires continuing to burn in Los Angeles, Krick’s message serves as a beacon of hope to the church and the world: repentance, revival and readiness are essential as we move into 2025—a year of divine acceptance and jubilee.

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