Chris Reed’s Prophetic Dream Fulfilled: Trump’s Win and a ‘New Republic’


As America continues to react to the breaking news, Donald Trump’s re-election has unfolded exactly as Chris Reed prophesied just days before.

In a remarkable dream shared Nov. 3, 2024, Reed, head of the new Jesus Revolution Church, had shared a dream about this outcome, relaying a message that both inspired and urged his audience toward prayerful action.

Reed shares that he was given a glimpse into heaven’s own council. “I was caught up in a council room in heaven,” he says, where he witnessed prominent biblical figures—Enoch, Elijah, the apostle Paul and the apostle John—sitting around a table, discussing what he describes as heaven’s plans for America’s future. At his side stood an angel named Destiny, reminding him that God looks upon the heart rather than outward appearances, a timely message given the contentious nature of this election.

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In the dream, Reed hears Elijah’s powerful declaration: “Heaven has decreed for Mr. Trump to be elected U.S. president, and he will be the first president of a new Republic.” The statement carries an unmistakable weight, implying not only a second term for Trump but a shift in the nation’s identity—toward what Reed describes as a “new Republic.”

Reed’s vision also serves as a sobering call to action. “They said pray against violence, war, shaking and terrorism during and after the election,” he recounts, adding that while the election may have been divinely orchestrated, it does not mean believers should stand idly by. “Nothing happens without His approval, so don’t sit back and think, ‘well, because heaven has decreed it, it’s going to happen.’ No, now’s when we engage,” he urges, reminding Christians of our duty to take part actively and prayerfully in the nation’s spiritual landscape.

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This prophetic vision carries echoes of 1968—a year defined by cultural upheaval, widespread protests and political assassinations. Reed references another dream he shared earlier this year, where he saw scenes from that turbulent period, noting its striking similarities to our current era.

“I was given the newspaper in the dream that said two assassinations of the year of the Democratic convention in Chicago,” he recalls, adding that “this year, the Democratic convention was in Chicago, and they were rioting again, but this time it was over another war—it was over the war in Gaza.” This parallel is even more poignant as 2024 marks the first time since 1968 that a sitting president, Joe Biden, declined to pursue a second term amid conflicts abroad, mental deterioration and economic instability.

This moment is both a confirmation and a challenge. Reed’s vision of a “new Republic” under Trump suggests more than a political shift; it points to a spiritual recalibration in the United States, one that calls for both vigilance and prayer. Heaven’s decree, as Reed points out, does not absolve believers of their responsibility to engage. “Heaven has made a decree, and I got to hear it, but that doesn’t mean we sit back and say, ‘Oh, well.’”

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Trump’s re-election may be heaven-sent, but maintaining this new course for America requires active, intentional participation. Reed encourages believers not only to celebrate but also to “pray into” this prophetic vision, standing guard over the spiritual destiny of the nation. Reed emphasizes, “Now’s when we engage, and we get out and vote, and we participate, and we pray.”

As America embarks on this “new Republic” in the wake of a historic election, the faithful are called to put their faith into action to grow the kingdom of God. Through prayer and action, they have a role in shaping this prophetic future—one that Reed believes has been ordained by the Lord, yet demands the vigilant partnership of God’s people.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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