Christian Teacher Found Guilty for Sharing Biblical Beliefs at ‘a Christian School’


A Christian teacher in the U.K. has been found guilty of “‘unacceptable professional conduct” by a high court for telling students about her biblical beliefs on gender and sexuality, all while teaching at a Christian school.

Glawdys Leger was a Modern Foreign Languages teacher for 12 years before she was suspended from Bishop Justus Church of England School in Bromley in February 2022.

The 43-year-old refused to promote LGBTQI+ ideology to her seventh-grade students which included introducing them to “gender identities such as pansexual, asexual, intersex, and transgender, plus Stonewall-inspired films and Animal Farm-esque slogans: ‘Equality is a strength, Diversity is our power, Inclusion is a necessity’,” Christian Legal Centre reports.

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Instead, she told students that Christians believe sex outside of marriage is sin and that as a Christian you need to “live your life for God.”

She also said, “There is no place to hurt or exclude anyone because they are LGBT, Christians should pray for people who are LGBT, And that she ‘spoke about God’s love and how we are all loved and precious,'” Christian Concern explained in a statement.

According to a professional conduct panel (PCP), Leger’s comments were recorded by one of the students who complained that the teacher said being LGBT was a “sin” and that transgender people were “just confused.”

In Dec. 2023, the PCP removed Leger from her position and deemed her conduct to be “unprofessional.”

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The Aquinas Church of England Education Trust then reported Leger to the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) because “she upset one pupil by sharing her views on LBGTQ+ and she went on to share many more in our investigation and subsequent hearings, such that we were not certain whether she would continue to share those views with young people.”

The TRA also found that Leger was guilty of “unacceptable professional conduct” and labeled the expression of her beliefs as “inappropriate,” despite evidence showing Leger to be “trustworthy, professional and approachable.”

To read the full story, please visit our content partners at CBN News.

Reprinted with permission from Copyright © 2025 The Christian Broadcasting Network Inc. All rights reserved.

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