Chuck Pierce Unveils His Word for 2025


Renowned prophet Chuck Pierce shared powerful insights for 2025, emphasizing that it will be a year marked by both grace and conflict. During a livestream with Christian International’s Jane Hamon, Pierce described how God’s timing and positioning will be essential for believers to navigate the challenges ahead and fulfill their divine purposes.

“I think this year more than ever it is important that we understand times and know what we are to do,” says Pierce.

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Pierce says the night before the election, the Lord woke him up at 3:00 a.m. Prior to going to sleep, Pierce asked the Lord if He could show him anything beyond the year 2026 since God had previously given him insight into the years leading up to 2026.

“He woke me up and…spoke these words to me: ‘Hezekiah, extend time,'” says Pierce. “And at 4:00 a.m. I got a call from Israel, and the person on the other line said, ‘The Lord told me to call you from Israel and say He is speaking Hezekiah to you.'”

Pierce says God then took him to a Scripture from Isaiah that spoke to him about what the next three years would be like into 2027.

“We are moving in an extended time frame of grace,” Pierce says.

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Looking at 2025, Pierce also prophesied a year of both abundant grace and intense conflict. While God’s grace will be poured out in a powerful way, believers must also remain vigilant, keeping the light of Christ burning brightly. Pierce described 2025 as a time to stay spiritually alert, with grace being multiplied to empower believers to fulfill their God-given purposes.

“God’s people have to keep their lampstand burning this year,” says Pierce. “Without that, without having the oil, the anointing, you’re going to get really confused in the year ahead.”

“I am really excited for all of us, but it is probably our most demanding year we’ve ever entered into,” he continues.

During this time, seek the Lord with all your heart, just as Pierce advises, and watch and see what kinds of miracles the Lord will do in 2025.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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