CN Morning Rundown: Jonathan Cahn to Reveal Stunning, Long-Hidden Prophetic Images in New ‘Harbinger’ Motion Picture


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Jonathan Cahn to Reveal Stunning, Long-Hidden Prophetic Images in New ‘Harbinger’ Motion Picture

On May 12 and May 19, 2022, Jonathan Cahn’s new motion picture, The Harbingers of Things to Come, will premiere in movie theaters nationwide. Near the end of the movie, he will reveal a sequence of prophetic images kept hidden for years.

Cahn has had the images in his possession for some time but has never publicly released them as he does with the movie’s release. Though the specific content of the images has not been revealed, Cahn, for the first time, now gives us clues about what will appear on the screen in the new motion picture.

“In the Bible, God gives images, symbols, visions, glimpses of things yet to come, prophetic foreshadows,” the bestselling author says. “The difference here is that, in this case, they were actually captured on film.

Is Trump Ready for an Encore? ‘Everything I Said Was Right’

When our CBN News crew met a relaxed Donald Trump at his home at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, there was plenty to talk about — specifically, the recently leaked Supreme Court draft opinion that could overturn Roe v. Wade.

“Well, we don’t know exactly if that’s true, because it was certainly something that they’re working on, I would imagine, I don’t think anyone made it up,” said the former president. “They don’t know who leaked it. I will say the leak was a terrible thing. You’re just not used to that for the Supreme Court. … It was very shocking. I think it was a very bad thing for the Court.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) blames Trump for the potential major pro-life outcome because he was the president who was able to get three pro-life Justices on the high court.

Lou Engle Prophetic Dream: It is Finished — The Blood Has Done It

Revivalist Sean Feucht was 16 years old at The Call with Lou Engle in 2000 when he says “God dropped this mantle of intercession on me for the ending of Roe v. Wade.”

Now celebrating leaked news that five Supreme Court Justices favor overturning the landmark abortion ruling, Feucht and Engle say the spiritual war over the innocent unborn begins.

“What a moment of time we are living in,” says Engle, who for 18 years has led millions of intercessors in praying, “God, I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion. Send revival to America.” {eoa}

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