CN Morning Rundown: The United States: Birthed in Prophetic Symbolism


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The United States: Birthed in Prophetic Symbolism

Especially in the last few years, political ploys and corrupt corporate agendas have poisoned our country internally and fouled the waters of our influence among the nations. But there are still many rivers of living water flowing out of the bedrock of this republic. There are still righteous, God-fearing leaders fighting for truth, justice, morality and integrity in local, state and national arenas of influence, and there are multiplied thousands of ministries and Christian-run businesses that are continuing to change the world in significant ways.

Together we are very strong, although our freedoms are being challenged in unprecedented ways. Globalist groups are ramping up their efforts to disintegrate any remaining biblical influence in our society—because that stands in the way of their socialist, communistic agenda.

More than ever, it is now time for the church to arise, on both a local and national level, and claim our nation and our world for true revival. For the sake of our heritage and the ones who sacrificed to pass it on to us, we must increase our efforts. For the sake of our children we must keep striving to purify our society and culture. For the sake of the kingdom of God we must keep preaching the good news and lifting up the name of Jesus. The biggest hindrance to the New World Order (and all its aliases and subgroups, including the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization) is a tsunami wave of a spiritual visitation crashing over the seven continents—and inclining our hearts toward heaven.

The Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: The People I Saw in Hell

In 1998, God gave me a life-changing vision of hell. I receive many questions about my experience from people all over the world, but one question I’m often asked is, “Who did you see in hell?”

There are others who say they’ve had an experience like mine, and they mention specific people they saw in hell. Some say they saw children and some say they encountered celebrities. Some also share that they observed Christians who didn’t tithe, or women who wore jewelry or colored their hair. I saw none of this.

In fact, none of those claims could be true because none of them are biblically accurate. People go to hell only because they reject the saving name of Jesus Christ. Choosing not to tithe will not send a person to hell. Jewelry, hair, makeup or any type of clothing will not send a person to hell. These outward acts are not the reason people go to hell.

Prophecy: The Spirit of Delusion on America Will Come Crashing Down

A lot has transpired in the last few weeks in America. With the reversal of Roe vs. Wade and the decisions on abortion reverting back to the states, many have mistaken abortion as a Constitutional right.

The Supreme Court’s ruling is a sign that God is breaking through no matter what! More landmark decisions are continuing from the Supreme Court that will anger political and spiritual powers, but they are righteous decrees. Christians should continue to stand on Scripture, pray and decree God’s truths for our nation.

Intercessors are rising up and praying in the Spirit with authority as crisis after crisis is headlined on most news outlets and political vitriol is constant on social media. However, the Lord sends His prophetic words to foretell what is coming. He always gives insight into what His Spirit is doing behind the scenes as He dispels darkness and raises up a pure bride. {eoa}


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