CN Morning Rundown: The Untold Story of How Steve McQueen Met the King of Kings


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

The Untold Story of How Steve McQueen Met the King of Kings

Nearly 40 years after his death, acting legend Steve McQueen is still often referred to as the “King of Cool.” His style and movies have proved to be timeless hits in each generation, but one story about McQueen slipped through the cracks—his salvation.

His rags-to-riches life story still fascinates fans, new and old. But one chapter of that story is rarely shared. Now there’s a powerful new film about his life and what finally led him to choose Christ.

McQueen overcame many hardships to become the Hollywood “boy wonder” of the 1960s and 1970s.

Spirit-Filled Pastor: Only Pulpits Have the Power to Change America

One thing is crystal clear in America: If we truly want change, we must re-spark biblical boldness and flame the fires of biblical action. If we won’t fight, then spiritually speaking, we will fade away.

I recently attended a large gathering of pastors in San Diego organized by Turning Point USA Faith. During one of the opening sessions, it was said that the pastors in attendance could change the nation.

To some, that may seem impossible, but it’s definitely within reach if pastors return to their true calling: To preach the unadulterated Word of God and awaken a spiritually dead culture, not coddle her back to sleep.

How Believers Can Win ‘Impossible’ Cultural Battles

Spiritual battles are being waged all around us. Not only for our nation, but in our lives personally.

The question is: Are we seeing victory? Are you seeing victory?

Over the years, I have won battles in the natural realm that had to be waged and won first in the spiritual realm. This has included areas such as health issues, infertility, betrayal in business, finances, the desire for a house—multiple areas in which breakthroughs came. However, we’ve all had prayers that didn’t seem to receive an answer. {eoa}


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