Did a Supernatural Spirit of Murder Take Down JFK?


For decades, the question of who was truly behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy has loomed over American history like a dark cloud. The official narrative has never quite satisfied those who saw through the inconsistencies, and now, new evidence has emerged that could finally bring clarity to one of the greatest political crimes in history.

Leaked audio, never before heard by the public, reveals Clifton C. Carter—former Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee and a close confidant of Lyndon Baines Johnson—admitting that LBJ orchestrated the assassination of JFK. The recording, released exclusively by Alex Jones on InfoWars, captures Carter confessing to businessman and political insider Billie Sol Estes that Johnson hired Mac Wallace to carry out the hit. According to Carter, he disagreed with Johnson’s decision but admitted that LBJ believed himself to be the savior of the common man.

This revelation aligns with the work of political operative and author Roger Stone, whose bestselling book, “The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ,” laid out an alarming case implicating the former president. While many dismissed such claims as conspiracy theory, the weight of evidence continues to mount. And now, President Donald Trump has announced that his administration will declassify all government files related to the JFK assassination, a move that could shake the foundations of American political history.

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The Spirit of Murder and America’s Leadership Crisis

Beyond the political ramifications, this revelation exposes something much deeper—a spiritual crisis that has plagued America for decades. The assassination of JFK was not just a power play; it was an act of darkness, an example of the spirit of murder working behind the scenes to influence the course of history. The Bible warns of this very phenomenon: “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him” (John 8:44, MEV).

This spirit of murder is not new. It has manifested time and time again, targeting leaders who stood in the way of evil agendas. From Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King Jr., the assassinations of righteous leaders were not just political moves, they are spiritual battles where forces of darkness seek to silence those who stand for truth and justice.

Ephesians 6:12 reminds us, “For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” The murder of JFK was not just the ambition of a corrupt politician—it was part of a larger, unseen battle that has raged since the beginning of time.

Prophecy and the Cry for Justice

As new revelations about JFK’s assassination continue to surface, prophecy is also confirming what many have suspected. In honor of the release of the JFK files, portions of footage from the end of 2024 document prophecies given by Pastor Andre, a South African prophet. According to Andre, God spoke to him, saying, “The blood of a president cries from the streets of Dallas.” He did not initially understand what this meant, but later discovered the full weight of the vision when visiting Dealey Plaza, the site of Kennedy’s assassination.

Andre’s vision saw JFK standing before the throne of God, holding a glass bowl filled with blood and crying out, “Who will avenge me of my blood shed on Earth?” This aligns with Revelation 6:10, where the martyrs under the altar cry out, “How long, O sovereign Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” According to Andre’s vision, 200 men later entered the throne room holding similar bowls of blood, including the fallen defenders of the Alamo. They declared, “Our blood supersedes his blood. Our blood is a blood of resistance; his is a blood of assassination.” The Lord responded, “I will honor the Alamo before I honor you, JFK.”

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The Impact on Society and the Urgency for Truth

The impact of this spirit of murder extends beyond the political realm. It has seeped into society, fostering a culture of death, division and deception. When those in power resort to murder to achieve their ends, it sets a precedent that life is expendable, that truth is malleable and that justice is only for those who can manipulate it.

But the truth is coming.

With Trump’s forthcoming release of JFK files, the lies that have shaped the last 61 years may finally be dismantled. Luke 8:17 declares, “For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and revealed.” The truth will come to light, but it begs the question—will America be ready to face it?

This is a wake-up call for believers and patriots alike. This is not just about one assassination; it is about the forces at work behind the scenes that have been shaping the destiny of this nation. It is time to expose the works of darkness, to pray for truth to prevail and to stand firm in the knowledge that justice belongs to the Lord.

America must reckon with its past to secure its future. The spirit of murder must be confronted, and righteousness must rise. As the full truth of JFK’s assassination finally comes to light, may it serve as a warning and a rousing to action—because the battle for truth and justice is far from over.

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Prepared by Charisma Media Staff


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