Elementary School Offering ‘Satanic Studies’


An elementary school in Marysville, Ohio, is offering a “satanic studies” program.

The Hellion Academy of Independent Learning (HAIL) program serves as a “religious release” period for children. The Satanic Temple operates the program.

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June Everett, described by NBC 4 as the “campaign director for the After School Satan Club and an ordained minister for the Satanic Temple,” said a parent reached out to the Satanic Temple, requesting a program be implemented at the school.

“We aren’t trying to shut the LifeWise Academy down, but I do think a lot of school districts don’t realize when they open the door for one religion, they open it for all of them,” Everett said.

Each lesson in LifeWise, a Christian program, focuses on three areas: Head, Heart and Hands.

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The curriculum is “designed to take students through the entire Bible, beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation,” LifeWise’s website says. “Each lesson reviews a Bible passage as well as a ‘Living LifeWise’ character trait. The lessons’ order and activities are flexible and can be modified as the teacher finds necessary.”

The Satanic Temple described the HAIL program as a program for students that “allows them to learn about values such as empathy, compassion, and justice in a fun environment without religious pressure or coercion.”

“Any students who choose not to attend are later regaled with stories of fun activities and warnings from their classmates that they will surely burn in hell for not participating,” the Satanic Temple added. “These programs have been heavily pushed in recent years by groups such as Lifewise Academy and Joy El Club.”

This article originally appeared on American Faith, and is reposted with permission.

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