Gateway Church: Layoffs Coming Amid Massive Tithing Drop


Gateway Church has announced that layoffs for staff members are on the horizon amid a massive drop in tithing.

According to the Christian Post, Gateway elder, Kenneth Fambro, gave an update on the financial status of the church last week. The video was posted Watchkeep, and confirmed by the church as legitimate to WFAA.

Fambro is one of the three elders still left at Gateway.

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“I just wanted to come to you personally, and first of all, just thank you for everything you guys have done. The staff has been amazing through this process,” says Fambro.

“We have in fact seen our tithes reduced between 35 and 40%. As a result, we really need to go and start looking at the ministry itself and looking into some staff reductions,” Fambro continues.

Fambro says the goal of the leadership is to be as transparent as possible. One of those issues Fambro addresses to the staff is what they should know about severance if they are laid off.

“If your department is dissolved or reduced, you will receive the same severance package as those who took the voluntary severance,” says Fambro. “That is one month for every year of service up to four months.”

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Fambro says he is understanding of the difficulty of the situation and how it ultimately will impact those who not only call Gateway their spiritual family, but for those who the church is their source of provision.

“I also do want to acknowledge that things in terms of staff reductions were not handled well in the past. And for that, I apologize. We really are trying to look at leadership different and express leadership differently in doing so. My heart goes out to everyone who’s processing this right now. But know that we want what God wants. We want you to be exactly where God wants. Whether that’s in your career or whether you attend the church, we want the best for you,” Fambro says.

Staff members were directed by Fambro to discuss further details with their managers.

Continue to pray for Gateway and all who have been affected by the swift changes that have taken place this year.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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