Gateway Church Ousts Multiple Elders Following Shocking Investigation


Gateway Church has removed many elders from their positions following the four-month long investigation of former lead pastor, Robert Morris, who sexually abused Cindy Clemishire for years starting when she was just 12.

As The Christian Post reported, elder Tra Willbanks gave the update to the Gateway congregation on Saturday, Nov. 2.

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“These past few months have been tumultuous for all of us as a church family,” Willbanks says.

In June, Gateway hired the Haynes & Boone law firm to investigate into the abuse case of Morris against Clemishire. Now, as the investigation has concluded and was presented to a subcommittee of elders, the church is officially sharing the details with the public.

“Over the years, Robert shared his version of a story that he was unfaithful in his marriage while he was in his early 20s. In according to this version, Robert confessed his sin to apostolic leaders in the late 1980s, many years before Gateway Church was formed. He stepped down from ministry for two years, and then was restored back into ministry with the blessing of those same apostolic leaders,” says Willbanks.

However, as it was later revealed, what had actually taken place was the sexual abuse of a minor.

To date, six former leaders who are no longer with Gateway Church declined to speak to Haynes & Boone, including Robert Morris himself. During the course of the investigation, Haynes & Boone did not find any other sexual assault allegations against Morris.

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“We now know that there were elders and employees at Gateway who knew before June 14, 2024 that Cindy was 12 at the time of the abuse. Additionally, we also learned there were other individuals who were notified in the years prior to June 14, 2024 about these allegations of abuse, but failed to inquire further,” Willbanks says.

“In other words, there were two groups. One group who knew without a doubt that Cindy was 12 when this abuse began, and there was a second group who knew of allegations of sexual abuse by Robert Morris who had enough information that should have led them to ask more questions and inquire further, but they did not,” he continues.

Willbanks says neither of these groups of people will be tolerated any further at Gateway Church.

“We can report to you that as of today, no individuals in either group serves as an elder, is employed by or works at Gateway Church. They have been removed,” Willbanks says.

Willbanks noted how the church is also undergoing many litigation issues, including demands regarding finances by Robert Morris, which they are currently rejecting. They also are in the middle of dealing with a criminal investigation, which no further details are being given about at this time.

During this time, continue to pray for all those who call Gateway their home church, and for those in leadership who are dealing with these tremendous circumstances.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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